• A new way of cumming

    After the success I had with an electrifying orgasm just from rubbing the pelvic ridge between my cock and belly button while the Progasm was in, I reflected on the fact that I most enjoy using the Progasm when lying face down. This must have something to do with that same spot being rubbed.
    Since then I have on several occasions been able to cum, just by rubbing that spot, without using the Prograsm at all. Some people have mentioned this is a way women sometimes masturbate. I wouldn't know, but it works for me!
    I've seen it described as the pelvic massage portion of 'the male deer' technique, as described in-depth on this page:-
    But instead of sitting, I lie flat on my back. Instead of using my palm to make circular movements, I hold my hands flat and stroke quickly with my fingers. Most times I keep my pants on (jock, briefs, whatever) as otherwise my cock might slap around just a bit too much.
    Usually within less than 5 minutes I feel a hot pleasure wave build up, crest and wash over me just like a traditional orgasm. Except oftentimes my cock is not always hard and I never ejaculate spunk. Instead, it's more like pre-cum, but LOTS of it which leaves my pants soaked.
    Early on I was a bit too forceful in my stroking – at one stage I was flipped over on my front and humping my fists – and this left my groin feeling tender for a couple days.
    I wonder if there really is a possibility for other parts of the body to 'cum' – like my nips, for instance? After all, I think there's a case for leg thrashing to be called 'legasms'!
    I wouldn't say the 'male deer' orgasms feel as intense as the anal or prostate orgasms I've had. The common link between these orgasms, as well as good old fashinoned spunking, is the complex network of abdominal muscles being used. Muscles which are designed to expel cum/wee/whatever from the body. Naturally, legs or nips or whatever wouldn't have this function so I imagine defining an orgasm in these parts of the body would be a challenge!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/23/2008at2:34 pm

      just tried it. worked for me…

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