• A new height

    The full moon must be affecting me as I've been having p-waves and mini-o's all day. About 2pm I decided to lay down and focus on the feelings. I started off without an aneros. The session started like others usually do. I was having intense p-waves, mini-o's, and some moderate dry-o's accompanied by all sorts of involuntary contractions. At some point, all the contractions stopped. I relaxed and just let things happen. Slowly, my whole body began to "glow". The focus of my pleasure moved away from my groin and spread all over. The feeling was extremely pleasurable but not entirely sexual. I'm not sure how long I laid there like this. It seemed like forever; I'm guessing maybe 1/2 hour. The feelings didn't wax or wane. I was stuck in a state of heightened pleasure. I suppose this could be a form of the floating bliss but it felt different somehow. There was really no floating and no bliss. It was more like glowing. I can't find the words to describe it. I also felt a lot of energy running around my body. At times, the crown of my head felt like it was going to burst. It also felt like energy was running up my spine, into my head, then back down to my groin. I've felt something similar before but not nearly this intensely.
    While in this state, I felt the pleasure slowly build. Still no contractions and the feeling was still full-body. The pleasure built so much that it stopped feeling like it was me experiencing pleasure, but I was the pleasure. I was not experiencing an orgasm, I was the orgasm. It only lasted about a minute or so but, during this time, I sort of lost the sense of myself. It caught me off-guard but I tried to go with it. I'm not sure I was entirely successful. I laid there for a while longer and experience a mini-version of this again.
    I then decided to give my maximus a try. The experience was absolutely phenomenal. I have never had such strong feelings with an aneros. I had a bunch of dry-o's. Lots of very pleasurable contractions and quivering. Some involuntary muscle twitches in my legs, stomach, brows.
    The feelings are continuing and I plan to continue to encourage them. I feel a bit out of control but am trying not to let it freak me out.

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