• A new experience

    I'm just coming off of a new and very interesting experience.
    First, some background. When I have aneros-less sessions, they involve my laying on my back and using various techniques to generate involuntary anal and PC contractions. Obviously, there's a lot of visualization. I also squeeze down a little and sometimes push out slightly. When things get going really well, all kinds of little spasms are happening. I've found that these sessions tend to aggravate my internal hemorrhoids such that I can't have these sessions every day. Ironically, these session tend to irritate things more than ones with an aneros.
    Anyways, this morning I was laying in bed and decided to experiment. I just laid there (on my side, legs slightly bent, very relaxed) and focused my mind on my prostate. Over the course of about an hour, I was able to create p-waves and mini-o's. I also had one orgasm that I'd classify as a dry-o. It took over my body and made me sort of curl up into a loose fetal position and groan loudly. It lasted about 45 seconds or so. My body felt like it was "filling up" to the point that my hands felt like they were going to burst and my penis got a really full feeling (although I don't think it was erect). Throughout the entire session, I occasionally felt little teeny twitches all over my body (legs, arms, stomach, hands, face). All the while, I never had any anal contractions. Once, during a mini-o, my penis twitched and jumped but I still didn't get the anal or internal contractions I've had in the past.
    As I write this, my prostate is still sending p-waves into my body. It's all I can do right now to keep from masturbating. I will try to resist because I want to see how long I will remain in this state.
    What an interesting and amazing experience…

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