• A middle-of-the-night romp with myself :-)

    I had an interesting and somewhat unique experience this morning. I'm sure it's connected to my aneros experience this past weekend; new anerosless experiences usually are.
    I awoke from a very erotic dream at about 2am. I'll spare you the details but it involved a male friend of mine, his wife, and a shower. This friend's wife is very attractive. My friend was there but didn't participate. However, his wife did. 🙂
    Anyways, I woke up but I wasn't particularly horny. I did have to pee so I took care of that and laid back down. Almost immediately I was hit with an orgasm. It came out of nowhere. This was followed by at least two more orgasms. I believe I also got an erection. For the next hour, I was in a state of ecstasy. I had a bunch more orgasms along with lots of pleasurable feelings. Eventually, things calmed down and I drifted off to sleep.
    This morning I woke up about 7 and had another mini-session which included some lesser, but very enjoyable, orgasms. The dream was still fresh in my mind which helped a lot. I've been feeling after-effects all day and recounting this has my engine revving again.

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