• A brief update

    I had a P.M. from an established member
    expressing concern that I had not been active for a while.
    I replied that I was ok.
    Things have been complicated for a while.
    My wife was away for a period of 6 months.
    When she got back the Aneros was a gay thing.
    Sort of put the dampers on things.
    She is away again.
    I took the opportunity of getting a Vice.
    Sadly it has done nothing for me.
    The vibe unit is way too strong.
    Overall the most consistant has been the tiny Peridise.
    Also my farther's prostate cancer has increased so he has been put on chemotherapy.
    so my journey has reached a dead end.
    I am still interested and log on most days but I do not feel inclined to join in the Forum or chat.
    Compliments of the season to you all.
    Wishing you the best for the New Year cumming.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/17/2011at1:01 am

      V – all the best – that's a tough road with your wife and your father's cancer. I don't check in near as much as I used to, but I keep using none-the-less. Take care of what's important and let us know what happens. I have always wanted to know and follow how long term genuine users paths turn out. Thanks for checking in and good luck!

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