• Peace, calm and time

    I am still at that stage that I need to concentrate to be able to really feel anything. So at home it is not easy. My wife gives me lots of space to play, but her presence next to me is rather disturbing.
    So I used some time alone. I have a few tests to go through for my career and so I am away from home for three days. I brought my Helix with me and I used the time alone in my room last night to really relax and enjoy with no fear of being disturbed or anything to disturb me.
    I used rumel's mp3 and really relaxed into it. I actually started contracting before the lovely lady asked me too and by the time she got to it, I was in the middle of some very nice unvoluntary contractions. I was surprised that they actually came right away.
    I had a rather long and very pleasing session and I can't wait for repeat. Maybe tonight if I can find the energy 🙂


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/02/2012at11:11 am

      Peace, calm and time indeed!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/02/2012at11:11 am

      Peace, calm and time indeed!!

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