• PS-New first time

    One, I need to take a break. I’ve had a session every day for the past four days.

    This is an interesting device. Definitely applies more pressure than the Helix, not quite as much as the Progasm. You can definitely tell the PS-New is there. It seems to reach higher than the Helix too. Not sure about the Progasm. Good device.



    • Avatar for goldenboy


      10/23/2018at4:54 pm

      When I had my PS-NEW, it always caused me some discomfort so I discontinued it. Glad to hear your experience is better!

    • Avatar for Clive864


      10/23/2018at10:46 pm

      Can’t overstate my recommendation for Maximus Trident. Maybe it’s just my body type but that thing is magic to me.

    • Avatar for newjoytoy


      10/24/2018at12:59 am

      Today, I took a break. Tomorrow may be different.

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