• Buzzing

    I must conclude after all this time that I am not a natural Aneros user.
    I find it hard to relax, concentrate. I usually end up thinking about eating or some detail of a job that I have on the go.
    Having said that, there have been some pleasures along the way.
    One night few weeks ago just after my nightly shower I accidently brushed one of my nipples.
    Both went hard in an instant.
    I inserted my MGX and retired to the balcony.
    My nipples continued to buzz and throb for about 1 1/2 hours with just the occasional touch.
    It is the most pleasure I have ever had from them.
    Today. The wife has some sort of women's problem at the moment(Yes I know it is called a husband)
    so the shop is closed.
    I had found the White Lotus East web site as mentioned on the Forun befpre.
    I had asked before about the Lingam massage but she always dodged it, but today was my lucky day.
    She found my P spot and when working on it I was getting a buzz or vibration in my brain about a 1/3rd of the way back from my forehead in the top middle of my brain.
    When she did the "Orange Juicer" movement the same buzz started but much more intense.
    She massaged for 1 1/2 hours before getting tired.
    Well done the Wife !
    I did not come during that time.
    She went out shortly after finishing.
    I lay on the bed with the MGX , some nice feelings but no O.
    I finally gave in and had manual relief.
    I have not seen that amount of cum for a long time.
    So as I write this I still feel something buzzing or humming in my brain and my left testicle is sore.
    All in all not a bad day.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/10/2010at5:55 pm

      An hour and a half prostate massage from the wife! I'm impressed. I've got to get me some of that.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/14/2010at5:05 pm

      I want that too. I have been dying to ask my wife.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2010at9:11 am

      Yes man! Isn't that just the very best!!! Sometime you two may want to try the Wedding Band position: side by side, heads to other's feet, fingers in each other to the appropriate prostate/G-spot slowly gently to ecstatically for 2 or 3 hours…………………………

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2010at9:15 am

      Part Two………… Over time, through myriad delights and orgasmic energies, chains of dry-Os to Super-Os emerge, overtake, and all the while feeling the energies moving, sharing and the complex responses of each others' magic gland, until some new and spectacular or serenely incredible finale of your choosing…….!!!!!!!

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