• Becoming a seasoned vet

    Well I have to say that my body has made this transformation and I have become very familiar with the process of reaching a prostate orgasm. I find the process pretty much effortless and very satisfying to say the least. My journey has passed through so many levels and I do continue to reach different levels on a weekly basis. I have tried everything from manually moving my Aneros tool to adding e-stim at one point. Each attempt added new sensations and brought me down different paths. In the end I have found using just my Aneros toystools to be the most satisfying experience to date. I have found lately that is I rotate my Aneros models during use I reach the most exquisite levels of satisfaction. I usually start with my Eupho and after driving me to unimaginable levels of ecstasy I then insert my Helix and again off I go on a completely different ride and to new heights. I am truly amazed at what these tools do to the male human body. Not only do I feel a great inner peace but also a total physical well being. I never look at porn or anything else to reach these levels. My body now is excited enough just looking forward to my sessions. Usually within 10 minutes prostate contractions begin with just relaxing and letting it happen. Recently I had a partial ejaculation during a session and I didn't even know it happened until I looked. The feeling was intense. I always follow up my session either being with my wife or taking care of myself. To me it gives me total releasesatisfaction. I have not been here much lately basically because I have needed less and less support here. I just want all here to know whatever your reason for being here……….enjoy this journey that we call life!!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/30/2009at3:07 pm

      Glad to hear you are progressing well LivingLarge! Thanks for touching base with us. Your experience definitely gives me something to look forward to when I start being able to super-O.

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