• Progasm Delight

    I had a fantastic session with my Progasm Ice last night. The unit got me to ‘the edge of the precipice’ and kept me there for over an hour. It seems nipple play helps electrify the sensations along with some mild contractions of the floor muscles. I often overlook the P-Ice in favor of one of my four others and I shouldn’t.
    Once done, the orgasmic sensation stayed with me throughout the night and the feeling is still buzzing as I’m writFun Sessioning this.
    I might even have a repeat sesion Thursday.
    Life is wonderful!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for fred27


      03/02/2017at5:13 pm

      The Progasm Ice is definitely my favorite – have spent hours of pure pleasure with it! Every session produces a new experience while using different positions and movements!

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