• Another Day in Paradise!

    All day yesterday, I felt Aless orgasmic and it was GREAT! Last night I had a great date with my Helix Syn.  More and more I am able to pull the sexual energy from my genitals to my head and I’m starting to feel more bodily orgasmic than before.  I’m also practicing and perfecting my edging sessions to the point where it is almost easy to withhold ejaculation.
    This morning, I woke up with a hard erection and I’m extremely energetic and feeling Aless orgasmic.  My next full session is planned for Friday evening, a date with my Progasm Ice.  Until then, plenty of Aless, Kegels and several edging sessions.  More to come.
    Life really is wonderful!


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/11/2016at5:57 pm

      That’s wonderful, GGringo, keep up this practice! I think you should look into adding more Aneros models to your collection. 🙂

    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/11/2016at7:17 pm

      @bigglansDC, that would be difficult without my wife’s knowledge. It’s about the cost and my personal funds are very limited. We never know; perhaps one day. What would be your seggested model to accompany my Helyx-Syn and P-Ice?

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