• its only just begun

    I grew up in a devout Christian home raised on the belief that if my friends where doing something fun that there must be sin behind it. So growing up i didn't get to experience things that the other youth did. No sex,drugs,drinking,smoking none of it. Only thing I had done to that point was jack off. I plan on having sex once I am married. So to get from that to here it took something BIG to happen. Well I recently had a birthbay party and at that party I found out that I have a amazing friend I hope to find out who beacuse this unknown person for my gift bought me an helix syn the note in the box told me to go to the chat and start asking for help. So I did unfortunately I showed up while the chat was screwed up so I don't know who all I talked to other that chuckjo2000 who was has taken me under his wing like a am one of his own the things I have learned from that man are astounding. I can't put in words. Future posts will be about my rides. This was just a backround story.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/25/2013at7:13 pm

      Enjoy dude. You are in for a great time!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/28/2013at9:51 am

      Hey dkblacknight. Maybe chuckjo2000 is your friend who gave you your helix syn.
      I was raised in a Christian home just like you with the values you espouse in your life. You should be thankful you have those kinds of freinds and that you are discovering the super O so young. Sounds to me like your faith is being rewarded from the One who provides every good and perfect thing.
      I am going to watch your progress as I am a plodder in this aneros business. No dry Os or Mini Os yet, but have had some very good feelings with precum.
      Welcome to the site. Keep us posted on your journey.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/03/2013at12:14 am

      That's an amazing story. I'm glad that you had such a good friend who knew just what you needed. Did you ever find out who he was; I assume he was male but could have been female but I doubt it. Very heartwarming.

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