• Something wild and wonderful is happening…

    So, after my dry-o (see my comment on my last entry), I got into the shower. I immediately started to get intense p-waves. I could hardly stand up they were so strong. I had to hold onto the shower door. I was just standing under the water as it hit my back (the water wasn't hitting my penis). I slowly became erect. It felt like I might have my first hands free wet orgasm. Unlike other p-wave/dry-o feelings, this one was a demanding need to ejaculate. I rode it for a few minutes but couldn't take it anymore. I stroked myself to ejaculation. It was good but I have to admit that it wasn't as good as I expected it would be.
    I'm still extremely aroused and am feeling p-waves and mini-o's. Usually, ejaculation calms things down for longer than 10 minutes :-).
    I think all of this can be tied directly to the chat last night. Artform coached a few of us through an energy manipulation technique. This must be affecting me even today.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/25/2010at10:41 pm

      It must be very strange to have that amount and type of energy on tap.
      Thank you for the energy transfer during chat yesterday.
      Perhaps it was just the power of suggestion as you said before.
      All the same I got a buzz out of it.
      I tried a session with the Progasm shortly after but nothing much happened.

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