• update

    I wanted to provide an update on what's going on. Most of this is anerosless/KSMO related but I thought it would be interesting to some. Also, the KSMO forum is not nearly as active as this one. In fact, most of the responses I've gotten from people there are from people who frequency this forum.
    First, an aneros update. I tried my helix again a week or so ago after not having used it for a few weeks. The session was fairly unremarkable. I thought that perhaps my other experiences would have opened up some new doors with the aneros, but apparently not.
    I am having incredible anerosless experiences these days. The key sound is working quite well. However, of late, I am able to generate very intense feelings by just doing the breathing that accompanies the making of the sound. I do find that as arousal increases, making the sound (sometimes very loudly) really amplifies things. I also seem to be able to very easily get things going without any sound or special breathing. I just think and feelings immediately rush in. I can go from nothing to very intense feelings in, literally, 30 seconds. In fact, sometimes these rushes of feelings are most intense at the start of a session. In other words, I get this massive rush, followed by 5 minutes of lower intensity. If I stop for 10 minutes or so, the cycle often repeats. It's almost like my body stores up some energy and releases it in a burst right at the start.
    Over the last couple of weeks, I've had many incredible sessions that have left me groaning and tingling all over. Having said that, I'd describe most of the feelings as very very intense p-waves (very very) in that they build up and hang out at an intense level. I can hold them there for quite a long time. I don't think of these as orgasms because there's no build up and "explosion". However, my session last night was a little different. I spent about a 1/2 hour and felt things that I'd probably call dry-o's. There was a build up and a feeling of release. No ejaculation (of course), no muscle contractions, no erection. But, they took my breath away and had me grunting and panting. Soon after, I decided I needed to go to bed. As I relaxed in bed, I felt 2 or 3 very intense dry-o's. All through the night, I mostly dozed and was under a semi-constant feeling of arousal with regular mini-o's mixed in. This morning, I woke up aroused and had mini-o's while walking around getting ready for work, in the shower, even just standing around. Even now (4 hours later), I'm feeling constant low grade p-waves. If I focus on the feelings and think sexually, I can intensify the feeling very easily. I think if I had some privacy, I'm sure I could ramp things up quickly. Truly amazing…
    A few more notes:
    I still am finding that looking at porn really helps crank things up. I can do without, but I do enjoy including porn.
    Also, I have been ending most of my sessions with an ejaculation even though the KSMO advice is not to. The recent exception is last night. This probably explains why I didn't sleep much and am having this extended session (more than 12 hours at this point).
    I'm even more convinced that my path to ecstasy is not Aneros, but what I'm doing now. Of course, I will always credit my aneros use with opening the door. For this, I will be forever grateful.


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      04/15/2010at3:26 pm

      Somehow I managed some interesting typos in this. Sorry… 🙂

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/16/2010at4:18 pm

      No problem dtmsmith. It was very interesting to read. And I'm glad you are having such amazing and pleasurable experiences. 🙂 You're experience has certainly peaked my curiosity in KSMO. So do you think that your Aneros use is waning in favor of KSMO practice because of the results?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/16/2010at11:39 pm

      Basically, the answer to your question is yes. But, I should elaborate a bit. As can be seen from my earlier blog entries and other posts, I had very early success with anerosless sessions. In fact, in many cases, these sessions were more intense than I ever had with an aneros. What KSMO has done for me (so far) is give me a more reliable way to get anerosless sessions going. Before KS, I could often create and manipulate the arousal, but it was sometimes hit and miss. Since I discovered KS, I've not had a bad session. In fact, they're getting better and better. And, I seem to be more able to generate and amplify the arousal with any sound at all. I guess my body is becoming more practiced at this and needs the sound less and less. What I'm hoping to do is to get better at the sound and use it to push things to the next level. I still haven't had anything I'd consider a super-o so I think there's room for growth.
      So, I am feeling less interested in using the Aneros because it doesn't give me nearly the pleasure and is more trouble (clean before, lube, clean after, etc). If it were my only tool for this kind of pleasure, I wouldn't hesitate. Or, if I was getting phenomenal results, I'd also go to the trouble. But, when I can sit or lay down with nothing and create these feelings with nothing more than breathing and sound, it's hard to justify the added complexity of using the aneros. Having said all this, I'm sure I will occasionally try the aneros just to see if I can get anything new from it.
      I would encourage everyone to look into KSMO, especially if you're having anerosless success already. While it seems like I don't need to the sound much anymore, I'm not sure I would have gotten to this point without first having used the sound. And, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near any of this without having practiced with the aneros. It's a journey…

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