• Your body demands you pursue your Aneros journey

    Hi guys,

    Summertime weather has settled here in DC these days. That means heatwaves lasting ten days apiece of hazy, hot, and humid before the weather breaks for a brief respite of one or two days of “coolish” weather with low humidity until the next heatwave begins. As a Connecticut Yankee native, I have lived here more than forty years. We have had bad summers and good ones. The bad ones have hot, hazy, and humid weather from Memorial Day Weekend to the fall equinox, sometimes in October. So this summer, it is quite possible to wear minimalist clothing the daytime, but when I retire to bed buck naked, mostly nude, sleeping many nights on the top cover with nothing but a jock and cup on! Sweet!

    So all this week, I have been sleeping this way. Buck naked wearing just a BIKE CUP and jock. I diddle my nipples and I feel sexual energy in my genitals, mostly in my sweet spot which is located at the base of my scrotum and between my ball sack and bunghole. This is also the juncture of my prostate and cock root. As I compose this blog entry, this area is pulsating with sweet, sexual energy. I enjoy engaging with this energy at night with Kegels and diddling.

    The upshot of this blog entry is that we all have experiences with the Aneros and what occurs in Aless that are hard to express in words. Our sexual diffused bodies tell each of us to follow our bodily demands and pursue the Aneros journey, but also to encourage each other what we are experiencing and learning on this journey.

    Take care.


    • Avatar for GGringo


      07/01/2019at12:53 pm

      Excellent blog entry @BigGlansDC ! Last night, following a good session with my Maximus, I decided to do something I rarely do these days; finish off with a traditional orgasm. When prostate play becomes almost overwhelming, consuming my every available moment and all of my mind, it’s time for me to finish off another chapter of my adventure to give my body a welcomed break. Refractory period is draining but welcomed to help me reset everything. It’ll take me a week or so to get back fully in the zone. This phenomenon cycle happens at almost every 5 to 6 weeks.

      Good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      07/02/2019at6:08 pm

      @GGringo, thank you for your compliment on my blog entry. My Aneros sessions now vary between once a week to be three times a week. Since I have adopted the standing position for my sessions, a typical session lasts usually 20 to 25 minutes. Also I use one to two models in the standing position. In the standing position, Aneros contact with my prostate is quite direct. Invariably I come from session with powerful, sweet Aless.

      I am intrigued about your Aneros cycle phenomenon. Every guy has his own way in interacting with the Aneros.

      Last Thursday morning upon arising from bed at 5:30 a.m., I had a hankering to masturbate. I do not remember when I last masturbated but it must been a good month ago. I had a thoroughly satisfying jack off session which lasted probably ten minutes and I shot a big load of thick, creamy cum. When I masturbate now, it causes my prostate to go in high gear along with thoroughly satisfying Aless which lasts for the rest of the day.

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