• Will I Ever Be The Same

    I've changed. I'm not the same any more. I'm not complaining trust me but I can really notice the difference in my behavior, mood, and my actions. It's like I have turned into this hot, sexy, succubus that wants orgasms any way possible. Right now I have my helix in and he is driving me prostate wild which sends freaky nasty thoughts to the rest of my body. I never leaked so much pre-cum in my life. I grave this feeling all the time. Even when i'm not in the right settings. I guess since my prostate is awakened it wont go back to sleep. These waves are sending me over rightr npw[0. thst was a three minute right there. whoooooo sorry for the type o's but it just get so intense so fast. I love this feeling. I crave for more. I have had every type of orgasm known to man and i want more. Will I evr be the same. who knows. but the man I am now is ready for what ever my body wants to give.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/09/2013at9:24 am

      hey guy, you'd asked where I found the satanic chants i listened to in my last aneros session. they're at:
      let me know what you think when you listen to 'em!

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