• Where's the off switch?

    I went to bed at a reasonable time, as Monday is a work day. I had not planned a session at all.
    My body had different ideas. As I relaxed towards sleep, the feelings started again, and built towards similar experiences to this afternoon. When sleep finally did come, I had some very weird dreams (the details fade, but they weren't sexual) and I woke up covered in sweat. As a result I'm feeling rather tired this morning.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/12/2011at2:11 pm

      Indeed, listen to your body/mind and allow whatever will happen. Have a nap… I get behind on sleep at times with this journey too. Catch up as soon as possible. You sound like you are possibly moving toward Still-Body, full-body, through-the-body-travel, spiritual Super-O-ing too.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/12/2011at2:12 pm

      Happy to chat further about my comments here.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/14/2011at9:46 am

      Funny, I climbed into bed on sunday electing to not have a session as well… and my body also had different ideas. Long story short, I was still at it at 3:30am! (and had to wake up at 7!

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