• Where to begin?

    Here’s the thing, where should one start with a blog? At the beginning would seem the obvious place. But now, 4 months into my Aneros journey I have already discovered and learned of things previously unimaginable to me. So I feel that now might be as good a time as any to give it a go. These 4 months have been a revelation and I can not imagine where things might go from here on in. Most of the things we are experiencing are very difficult to translate into words, so I might not always be able to convey my thoughts as I might hope. I can only try and contribute as best I can.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for GGringo


      03/20/2018at12:54 pm

      @Harper this is a good start! Most of us have some level of difficulty expressing in words the exact description of what we feel exactly but somehow we manage to communicate what we want to share. Just write what comes to mind and don’t hesitate to share.
      Welcome to the world of Aneros blogs!

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