• Wednesday

    Woke up with an incredible erection again. It’s so nice to be getting those. Laid in bed enjoying it then got up to do my morning routine. After devoting my attention to the Progasm Classic, I decided on showing some love to the Helix Syn today. The session was pleasant, nothing really different from my past sessions with HS but it was a very different experience than the sessions with PC. I don’t know, I think it may be a size thing but l like the way the PC feels in me. I do notice more pre-cum being milked out although it’s not as excessive as I’ve read other members post. I’ve also noticed that in all my sessions I have not achieved an erection. I can get it any other time but not during a normal session. I did manage a wet orgasm while masturbating with HS inserted, but I didn’t get fully erect although my right eye started twitching. All day I was enjoying Aless at work, made for a very pleasant day. On my way home from work, my wife texted me that she wouldn’t be home for dinner. Great, I can get some alone time with PC. Ordinarily I would’ve just waited til morning but I had an itch that needed to be scratched. I can tell I’m getting more proficient at using the PC, it doesn’t cross my eyes as long anymore. I manage to get in about a 45 minute session before I hear the door and voices. The PC really rocks my world. It definitely makes me feel different. I managed to get it into autof*ck mode a couple of times, and it just make me feel like a dirty whore. The feelings are so intense with these Aneros products, I’m twitching in my chair just reflecting on the whole experience. Damn, I’m looking forward to this weekend.
    Day 4 of SR and all is well.


    • Avatar for SOwithoutAneros


      12/08/2016at11:10 pm

      Yesterday my Progasm ICE has been delivered and I had a first gigantic ride including a rude autof*ck. Today was too busy to continue, but I had one hour for Aless. It nearly felt as if Progasm ICE was back inside me! Even switiching to autof*ck mode again! Hope it won’t sometime tear me apart. Hope even more to find some time for a longer ride.
      Take care!
      (Day 8 of SR with aching & heavy balls.)

    • Avatar for GGringo


      12/08/2016at11:27 pm

      @anerosjunque. @SOwitthoutAneros, your Progasm will continue to grow on you (no pun intended). I keep mine for the last session of the week (#4 of 4) and this finishes the week with a bang! My Helix Syn usually is the one I select for the first session of the week.
      Life is wonderful!

    • Avatar for anerosjunque


      12/09/2016at4:10 am

      I’m really wanting to take a Progasm Ice for a ride and see how it compares to the Classic. How does a Progasm Jr compare to a Classic?

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