• Wake Up Call

    Well…its been 5 days since my last ejaculation. Also 5 days since my last bit of prostate play. Between work and just being tired…just havent had a chance to explore with myself. Well this morning I had an opportunity. The wife left for work early and it was just me and the dog. Started to look at some pics on Reddit and that got me warmed up pretty quickly. Today showed a lot of growth in my prostate stimulation journey. Once I got to the state of pure arousal…I pretty much stayed there for 30 mins and the only reason why it didn’t last any longer was because I needed to walk the dog.

    30 mins of pure tingling sprinkled with very intense super-Os that made my head spasm. Thats actually the tell tale sign I am having a super-O. My head shakes involuntarily like I am having a seizure, my toes curl and relax without me really doing anything, my body is rigid but doing like the most minute spasming. It all feels like an exquisite rumble emanating from the center of my body. Most of the time my cock is rock hard but sometimes it starts out super soft and then the longer I am in the state my cock just rises. It’s such a good and relaxing feeling.


    • Avatar for Pasttime


      01/13/2019at2:43 am

      Sounds divine. Thanks for being very specific about the SO.

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