• Waiting for my Helix

    Well i ordered my Helix a few days ago and have been reading the forums ever since. There is soooo much great information on this site and so many friendly people willing to help others achieve more fulfilling experiences. I am hetro and not turned on by guys. My partner has questioned if i am bi or gay, but does not seem to understand that straight men can enjoy anal play too. Anyway i will continue with that challenge.
    I have researched good lubes to buy and am looking at Shea butter as my first serious natural lube as it has such good reviews.
    I am looking forward to my Helix and am not getting too excited as i know it will take some time and experimentation to work out what my body likes and does not like.
    I also think it is fascinating that a product can have two very distinct consumers (pardon the pun) one for health and the other for sexual enjoyment. Id like to see Steve Jobs do that one!!!
    Well i did use my SINFIVE Alterno Beads whilst i wait for the Helix and found (and allowed) myself in more of a mental state, enjoying the mental sensations and watching my leg shake and shudder from the bliss (i used to think the shaking was abnormal but now accept it as apart of the experience)
    Anyway, ill keep posting in the future (Ive never written a blog before, so its new to me) of my experiences.
    I am concerned that i will want to tell everyone about my adventures but at the same time also scared to tell anyone as well. I hope people understand what i mean by that.
    So until my next post, keep having fun out there, and ill keep reading and researching.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/19/2011at7:04 am

      Thanks Rook for your kind words, Im am very much looking forward to contributing to this forum as i feel i will befit greatly out of my Aneros product(s) in the future. Its a shame that not many people seem to know about it. I will be telling friends in the future as i like others to understand how good sex (and everything that goes with it) can be. It will be a journey going forward!!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/04/2011at6:25 pm

      yeah good choice on the helix it really works for me i have been using mine for just over 3 months. Also good choice on going for natural stuff i would never turn back to them chemical filled lubes i used i.d glide for my first 2 months or so have been using my natural lube for just over a month 🙂 keep reading the forum i have learned a lot and have even picked up another practice from discusion here i now do tantra

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/10/2011at3:33 am

      Never heard of SINFIVE alterno beads so i google them and it eventually led me to a related (not SINFIVE) porno flick which was kinda hot although the audio sounded contrived ==>
      agree with ya mate it's not easy for basically str8 guys to share the aneros message and experience – anal ain't mainstream but it's great to be enlightened
      – rip

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/21/2011at10:09 am

      Hi, Simmo. I too have just wrote my 1st blog. Like I said in it I wanted the helix but I was under the affluence of incahol when I was brave enough to order an aneros. So I'm just waiting for my new probe now.mgx . I put msx in the blog, probably to much time on the grand turismo /play station game.
      Yes I can undestand you when you go on about telling/not telling folk. It's abit like the freemasons.

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