• Unexpected pleasure

    So last night I decided to do another session, even though I had only 45 minutes of guaranteed privacy. I figured, why not — just to keep the journey moving along, even if nothing much happens.
    The feeling right off was good, and I was more relaxed than other sessions, maybe because it was more familiar. I was laying on my side with my legs in a "scissors" position. After about five minutes or so, I decided to take a more active role, so I started to thrust my hips forward and backward, just a little. Very quickly, I started getting great pleasurable feelings in my loins, which started to build. Then they would ebb, and then build some more, going past the last one. I started to breathe heavier, and the waves started radiating into my chest and down through my legs. Wave after wave, and I wasn't even expecting anything to happen when I started! I was definitely in orgasm, and the waves continued one on top of another. It was like they were controlling me, but yet I was controlling them, too, and I felt like I could have gone on for a long time. But time was running out, and I let myself go – wow! Underneath on the towel, I had some sticky cum — but no erection. It was definitely worth the effort, even though I had only a few minutes. I was probably done within 20 minutes, and spent several minutes cleaning up and putting things back the way they were.

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