• Totally Surprised

    Ok I am always somewhat skeptical to claims about anything to extend arousal, lenght, ect….. Opened up my package and went right to it. It was easy to get in, a little fear in that I never had gone that far before. I just relaxed and my anus sucked it right in. As soon as I got in in I laid down in the same position as it said in the directions. I only had about twenty minutes but i wanted to test the waters. Well I definetely started to like the feeling and sensations. I have used a vibrator with the wife before but these feelings were deeper. I committed the next day I would try it for a longer period.I noticed that many of the movements felt better like I was thrusting for sex while doing kegels.
    Next day I used it in the shower. Someone on the blog stated you can stand and walk. So I did, I inserted and walked right into the shower and did my normal routine, shaving, washing and hair. It was in for about ten minures and realized that standing was really fun. I leaned on the wall and started thrusting and doing kegels. Kegels seemed to be the trick as smaller squeezes seemed to produce more results. I stopped thrusting and just did kegels which seemed like it was the opposite of what you need to do. I did this for another 15 minutes and I started to feel a very light tingle from my spine out to my arms and legs. It felt good but not intense. I remember someone said patience so I continued. In another ten minutes my legs were shaking and the sensations were getting stronger and longer. It was the same as if i was coming with ejaculating. I kept it going and the more intense it got the more I let it go. Keep in mind I never tuoched my penis and it was only semi hard. I wanted to ejaculate so much that I just took two strokes and wow I never saw so much come out of my penis. It just kept leaking until I couldn't take it anymore. I tried for another five minutes again and must to my amazement I ejaculated without touching myself. That has never happened in my lifteime. I am 48 years old!!
    Fast forward a day later, I was horny and I wanted to masturbate. I didnt use the eupho, I didnt have much time. Much to my surpise, I felt the same sensations while stroking. I continued doing kegels while stroking and man i was having contractions before i came.I was also leaking alot more before I fully ejaculated.
    I told my wife about it and told her i liked this toy and wanted her support. She wants to try it with me while having sex. I told her it won't fall out so we can have our normal sex play. I couldnt believe how supportive she was, I was concerend that she tought I was turning a corner into being Bi. Anyway I am going on a week long business trip today, I have packed it and am looking forward to using it

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/09/2009at7:34 am

      LOL…I'm 55 and Eupho and the Aneros toys are the best addition to my sex life to date. LL

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