• Thursday 3.30am. SR Day 12

    Due to a social engagement I was disappointed that I would have to forgo my scheduled Aneros session for Wednesday night. I was hoping it would help to alleviate some of the mounting horniness I have been feeling. I’ll never know whether skipping that session led to what followed later. I found myself having the following conversation with myself in the middle of the night, half wondering whether it was a dream.
    I stir, feeling by the urge to pee.
    No wait, it feels like I’m going to ejaculate.
    Can’t be.
    Well get ready cos it sure feels like it.
    OMG! A tiny dry O.
    Here it comes again, I can feel it rushing through the pipes.
    Stop! What if it’s pee this time round?
    Well my bladder doesn’t feel full but……..
    Yep, better not chance it.
    I scramble out of bed and put on some underwear. In any eventuality they will catch some of whatever it is. I settle back down. A fluttering feeling below, I am just on the verge.
    Concentrate, careful! Slowly let it come.
    I squirt a couple of drops of pee and leap out of bed.
    Back from the bathroom, bladder forced to empty. Sleep.
    Hang on, I think I’m going to cum.
    What the heck!
    Well it can’t be pee this time.
    I’m not even hard.
    A small convulsion and I am wet. It’s not semen but pre cum.
    Am I disappointed? Hmm, yes and no. Let the horniness continue!
    And so it has, all day. I feel as if I am about to explode into my pants at any time. I neither know nor care what’s going on but it feels good.


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      03/22/2018at8:21 pm

      @Harper Good time for a blog! I have many of my sessions around 3-4 AM. BTW,. are you practicing SR? How many days since your last EJ? Sounds like you were having an internal “fantasy dialogue”! Very hot! Keep blogging!

    • Avatar for goldenboy


      03/22/2018at8:35 pm

      @Harper Forgot to see that you are in Day 12 of SR! Sorry! How long have you gone before?

    • Avatar for Harper


      03/23/2018at12:40 am

      @goldenboy I completed 21 days then allowed myself to enjoy a very welcome release. I then just started over with SR until I now find myself at this point. I don’t know if there is some kind of cumulative effect but this time around my arousal levels are way past what I experienced the last time. It is so intense just now! You know what? My jaw is aching, sounds bizarre, but somehow it is in tune with the feeling of pressure that has built up in the whole of my groin area. I am not sure how much more I can bear to be honest, it is very distracting to the point of being uncomfortable. But at the same time I find the condition fascinating, I can honestly say that I can not recall feeling anything like this in my life.
      Hope your session is a good one, I look forward to your report.

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