• Those \"long\" Aneros autof**k strokes: Sessions for January 10-18

    Hi guys,
    When I had my first successful masturbation to orgasm and ejaculation of semen that memorable Satuday night in April 1964, I felt empowered. Despite the disapproval of my parents and my newly retired U.S. Navy physician, this empowerment became a closely guarded secret. This empowerment was the activation of my developing manhood. So also with my Aneros sessions. Quite a few people on the Net know about this secret, but I have only one friend here in DC who knows and applauds, I am sure.
    Session for Thursday morning, January 10:
    Sequence of models used: Helix Syn — Maximus — Progasm Ice — Helix Classic — Progasm Classic.
    Duration: ca. 3 hours.
    For Thursday's session, I followed a sequence of Aneros models in the order that I first used them pretty much. I began first with Helix Syn who introduced me to Anerosing early last June. Now he inserts easily and I am ready for business! I performed perhaps a good five or six 60 second Kegels on him. Yesterday morning, I was amazed that my prostate revved up almost immediately like the V8 engine he is! We spent a good 55 minutes together in an amazing autof**k of great ease. The same thing happened with Maximus. I noticed yesterday very clearly the long autof**k strokes Maximus is capable of. This type of action continued with Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic, although the autof**king action was definitely fuller. Once again Helix Classic performed wonderfully through his utmost directness.
    It is absolutely wonderful to work with each model with initial Kegeling and Anerosing, but then my body takes over in an autof**k that goes anywhere with lots of surprises, chock full of pleasure!
    Saturday morning session, January 12:
    Sequence of models used: Helix Syn — Progasm Ice — Maximus — Progasm Classic — Helix Syn.
    Duration: ca. 3.5 hours.
    Wow, Extra virgin olive oil as lube! Saturday morning I used extra virgin olive oil for the very first time and was amazed at how easily was the insertion and withdrawal of each of my Aneros buddies! I also discovered that very little olive oil is necessary, similar to the old 1950-60's Brill-creem jingle, "a little dab will do ya!"
    Monday morning session, January 14:
    Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Classic — Helix Syn — Progasm Ice — Helix Classic — Progasm Classic.
    Lube used: Astroglide.
    Duration: 3 hours.
    My session Monday morning went well enough but it was not one of my best sessions. The cold, damp, and dreary weather we had since Sunday has worn me out and contributed to a generally luck luster session. Nevertheless I am developing greater control and subtlety in my Kegels and autof**k action. Towards the end of the session, I spent quite a bit of time with Helix Classic lying upon my prostate and just savoring that motionless sensation. However, I was fatigued when I attempted to use Progasm Classic for a second time and thus brought the session to to end.
    Wednesday morning session, January 16:
    Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Black Ice — Helix Syn — Progasm Classic.
    Lube used: Astroglide.
    Duration: 2.75 hours.
    A Progasm Black Ice debut.
    A Progasm Classic breakthrough: Autopilot. Long autof**k strokes. Pure absolute pleasure! Time spent with my big, bruiser buddy: 45 minutes.
    Friday morning session, January 18:
    Sequence models used: Maximus — Progasm Black Ice — Helix Syn — Progasm Classic.
    Lube used: Astroglide.
    Duration: ca 2.25 hours.
    Felt cold in my apartment this morning. The cold weather and the lack of a bowel movement before my session prevented me from having a really good session. I will not say that it was a dud though. I just wanted some serious Anerosing time with my Aneros buddies, much like a group of guys who enjoy each others' company and together will play ball no matter what.
    In closing, I apologize for such brief comments on my last five sessions. First, my PC has been acting strangely since a Google Chrome update which occurred Saturday morning a week ago. Then we had a good five days of dreary, rainy, and cold weather. But today Saturday, January 19, has been clear with blue skies and brilliant sunshine, although still on the cold side. Take care!

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