• The Trouble With Holidays

    After my last session with achieving a super-o, the school summer holidays have begun. Having the kids at home is going to prevent daytime sessions in which to carry on my exploration. A couple of opportuninies have presented themselves however, so I am grabbing any chance I have for Aneros action.
    The first was on the Friday evening which unfortunately ended up being interrupted after 30 mins. The second was one the following Monday. Again this only was a half hour session. Both were pleasurable and I managed to oragsm in both, however in some ways they were not fully satisfying as I felt that both sessions had so much more to offer.
    They were clearly both pleasurable experiences but I feel that certainly for me sessions need to be longer. The Progasm needs to be given time in order to gain full benefit, but no session is ever wasted as something can always be learnt.
    The next challenge is that we are going on a camping holiday. I will pack my Progasm but I’m not really sure how using it in a tent will go.


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/08/2016at8:02 pm

      @Citizen71, I can understand your frustration because many married guys with children around cannot have the privacy for a good Aneros session.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/09/2016at7:04 pm

      @citizen71, I too understand your limited time to fully enjoy the effects of Aneros. All my sessions are done in secret in the basement TV room with my wife in be upstairs. We are retired and we do a lot of travelling in our little motorhome. I never brought my Aneros on trips but I have learned to compensate with enriched Aless sessions. For instance, we were at our lawyer’s office in town today and I was almost in an orgasmic state all day just by activating my PC muscle slightly, the right thought here and there, deep breaths and voila; no Aneros necessary for pleasures. It is also more rewarding when we return and I get to resume my next session. Life is wonderful!

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