• The Tempo is a TRUE treasure

    So I woke up fairly early this morning. 5:17am to be exact. I was laying down actually reading through the whole Jeff Bezos scandal with AMI. All the slutty details. My mind started to ponder…if this guy had an Aneros (he could buy the entire company if he wanted)…it would probably solve his problem at 54 years old.

    Then I thought to myself…well…I havent had a session in a few days…lets start with some Aless…

    Almost immediately I was in a pleasure state. Which basically signaled to me…An Aneros model will be a must to take advantage of my aroused state. Dashed to my top drawer…looked over the models…the box with the Temp basically exploded in my face. I lubed it up and slid it in. Went back to the couch. Closed my eyes and I let the dark of the morning just come over me.

    The temp really has a mind of its own. It seems to be the one device that has zero thought of relenting. It stays on top of my prostate and literally I am in a constant state of super-O….the intensity changes…it goes down and just becomes a murmur…and then a moment later it skyrockets into exquisite and intense waves of orgasmic pulsing. It makes me wimper and sweat and my cock twitches ever so slightly when it kisses my prostate. This lasted for an hour. I am sweat drenched…had to change all of my clothes….right down to the underwear…and now as I write this I’m just overcome with Aless waves knowing full well the Tempo and I are not done for today…


    • Avatar for geneOH


      02/13/2019at10:42 pm

      Bought a Tempo recently and I am amazed at how quickly it works!

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