• The reassurance of Aless!

    Hi guys,
    I just want to say that I am still around. My sessions these days are less frequent and not as exceptional, but they keep my Aless going strong. It is so wonderful to have the reassurance of Aless on an anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 when our lives collectively changed for forever and mostly for the worse. My Aneros sessions and Aless are simple pleasures that help me move forward. I am grateful for the support of the Aneros community and my buddies, @GGringo and @goldenboy!


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      09/11/2016at8:27 pm

      @BigGlansDC Hard to believe that it’s been 15 years already! It’s always good to hear from you!

    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/12/2016at12:14 am

      @BigGlansDC I was wondering about your absence as I was able to access the site here and there between campgrounds. I’m glad to see you are all right. We came back today and I’m anxious to meet with my mini-sub (Prograsm Ice tonight). My wife is very tired and she will head upstairs to bed early.
      The events of 15 years ago were so senseless and they changed the World we live in forever. Thank the stars we can each create our own pleasures!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      09/12/2016at2:45 pm

      @GGringo and @goldenboy, yesterday there were events here commemorating 9/11 which snarled up traffic and prevented me from going to church. Plus I had a hard time sleeping the night before. Yes I slept somewhat, but my sleep was troubled.When I stepped outdoors yesterday morning to get some breakfast from 7 Eleven, there was a touch of autumn in the air. The weeks of miserable heat and humidity was driven away. I returned to the apartment, had breakfast, and then laid down for a long nap which was a long revelry. A friend in Canada who is a psychic told me that I had fallen into an altered state. That was my way of coping with the memories of that day in Sept. 2001. It was so wonderful to awake late morning refreshed with that reassuring Aless though!

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