• The Mystery of My Sexuality Part 3: Orgasm

    April 19, 2014
    This wonderful sexy trip I am on never ceases to deliver profoundly new erotic experiences. The combination of my expanded orgasmic ability and my newly discovered mindful sexual response has rewarded me with manifest new orgasmic experiences and profoundly intense pleasurable sensations. My ability to have MMO’s and my awareness of the subtle differences in the orgasmic sensations I experience is tantamount to the experience of looking into a kaleidoscope. Indeed MMO’s are as varied and beautiful as the tantalizing and rich colors and changing patterns in a kaleidoscope. Each orgasmic session I have reveals complex tessellations of new rhythms and rich colorful erotic visions that blossom in rich patterns of complex pulsing sensation. I can actually see the feelings of my orgasms unfolding and opening to reveal themselves in my mind’s eye as they tug and squeeze my cock, balls and prostate and milk hot steaming pleasure from them.
    I am home alone for three days, a relatively uncommon occurrence. Naturally I pursued orgasmic pleasure last night. I prepped my peridise and inserted it in the condom and then slipped the entire package into my anus. My anal opening sucked it happily as a toddler sucks a new sweet lollipop. As I lay in bed I felt myself falling into an abyss of sexual pleasure. As I fell I did not feel a vast nothingness, instead I landed in the arms of a sensually euphoric scene. When I looked up I found myself looking into the sensual eyes of divine orgasm. The face was of the most beautiful woman I could imagine. She was a manifestation of the most serene and sensual thoughts I had ever had about a beautiful woman. She was naked and warm and she was there for me and me alone.
    As she invaded my body, she took control of my mind. As I gazed breathlessly into her alluring and hypnotic feminine face, I surrendered to her. She caressed me and assured and comforted me as one of her delicate hands reached deep into my anal canal to pluck the sinews of my ecstasy. I felt her other warm hand embracing my balls and cock tugging them as she led me, urging me to follow her.
    As my mind began numb under her willful spell, I dropped all pretense, pride and vulnerability and walked in her footsteps, noticing the sultry curves of the most sexual feminine form imaginable. My cock which was already hard turned to hot stone and began to pulse in a drum beat of rising desperate pleasure. Her wanton expression promised me divine bliss if I would trust her. I followed her to a very serene and private place where we stopped to face each other; standing there naked and vulnerable, looking into her incredibly sexy eyes I let her into my mind, and gave her ultimate control of my body.
    As I lay there being bombarded by her erotic rapture her thoughts replaced mine; I felt her hot sweet breath in my mouth as she kissed me into oblivion. She revved the orgasmic convulsions in my pelvis and perineum the way a race car driver revs the engine of a car that he is driving the first time. My cock lurched and danced in spasms of deliriously sweet anguish in her grip, my anus convulsed and my perineum twitched in a sensual spasm that made precum weep from my gaping cock slit.
    I lay there clinging to reality by the finger tips of my mind as her unapologetic feminine pleasure filled me as her loving arms embraced me and made ripples of orgasmic elation flow through my pelvis. As I looked with confused desperation into her eyes, this lovely orgasm that was controlling me showed me the exquisite euphoria that she held in her hand; that pleasure was now planted deep in my anus, its roots permeating my consciousness and taking control of every part of my body. My toes tingled and my nipples ached in sweet ecstasy, my legs were trembling and my ears heard the rushing waves of passion cresting and falling inside my head.
    I succumbed, spreading my legs to let more of her into my gasping anal opening. She pulled me under the surface of reality into a hazy place of divine bliss and pure sexual sensation. In the haze I felt my heart beating and I felt my prostate pumping pleasure just as my heart was pumping blood. I could see the pleasure in my body like the kaleidoscope, it had visceral form. Unlike any experience I had ever had before, there was a resonant regularity to this pumping that was very different than the modulating waves of orgasm that I usually have.
    The orgasm was intense, her hand was deep inside me and was pulling all my strings in perfect unison; the pulsing pleasure numbed my brain and made the liquid of my passion ooze from my cockhead like juice from a ripe fruit that was being squeezed in the merciless anguish of divine sensation. As I synched my breathing to my beating heart the pulsing pumping and flexing of my prostate fell into perfect rhythm with my heart and my breaths. As I supported the harmonious thumping deep inside my anus with regular full breaths, the pleasure pulsed, intensifying and glowing white hot, burning a hole in the lust wetted depths of my anal canal. The pleasure was agonizing. I struggled to remain rationale. I was dying and being born at the same time as bursting flashes of pleasure ignited and extinguished simultaneously in my brain and on the hardened tip of my aching and rigid cock.
    Looking into the lovely feminine face of the orgasm I saw the essence of feminine sensuality and I saw the embodiment of orgasmic rapture in visual form. Acquiescing to the erotic plea in her eyes to let her have her way with me, I parted my legs further until I could open them no more and let her reach deeper into my anus to touch my soul. Her tender sensual stroke of my prostate sent me climbing to heights of orgasmic sensation in maddened fury, as I moaned in agony. I was thrust into a crescendo high in the sky above physical reality to look into the eyes of unspeakably sweet bliss.
    That rapturous bliss manifested itself as an intense and regular pumping orgasm that resonated with such richness and intensity that it made my cock flail wildly and my balls tug while my anus opened and closed silently screaming in response to the agonizing bliss that was ravishing it. There was rhythm to the beating pulsing pumping pleasure that was as regular as a metronome.
    While my eyes saw cascading beautiful colors of pleasure, the pleasure was strumming the taut dripping strings of my sexuality deep inside my anus with an intense monotone :1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2. But as that monotone metted out my pleasure the sound of that ecstasy in my brain was getting louder and louder, displacing any rationale thoughts I had. The toe curling leg stiffening spasms were hard and relentless.
    The metronome like pulses of unadulterated sexual pleasure continued for almost 30 minutes straight. My mind struggled to perceive them as they took on a life of their own, driving me deeper and deeper into oblivion.
    My body was no longer mine …it belonged to a mysterious force that held me and taunted me and laughed I quivered in excruciating pleasure. I lay placidly in her imaginary arms looking into her dispassionate face as I struggled to drink the sweet milk of pleasure from her warm breast. Indeed I had visions of being nursed from a ripe full breast with a hot nipple. The warm milk that flooded my mouth was fueling these tortuous orgasmic spasms that were exploding inside me.
    I tried to imagine kissing her sweet lips in erotic gratitude, but she wouldn’t let me do or think of anything but drink the thick, hot, sweet anguished rapture that she was filling my mouth as I lay there helplessly nursing from her tit in her arms. I could not move even if I wanted to as she held me tightly her warm rigid nipple filling my mouth with the sweet milk of her passion. I could feel her arm buried deep in my asshole reaching places that I had never had felt before. As she stretched my opening it gripped on her arm in sweet anguish. Each place she touched deep inside me sparkled and tingled in the same rhythm as the ticking thumping pulsing of my prostate.
    In the end when I could endure no more, she sensed it. She relinquished my body and eased me back into the reality of my own bed. My prostate throbbed from the workout she had given me and the experience of agonizing pleasure that I had. I blinked myself back to that reality and wondered what had happened in the real world while I was gone.
    As I said ….this trip I am on is amazing. I relish each step I take and wonderful rewards it gives me. As an on line friend told me recently …he thinks I am blessed ….sometimes, like last night I think I really am.

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