• The Journey So Far

    I bought my Helix in October 2009 and the Hypnaeros tracks shortly after, and began using them regularly. I researched techniques and tricks and tried everything I could think of, but after a few months of absolutely no progress, I began to get discouraged. I went from every few days, to a few weeks, to months between sessions. I considered trying another model, but was hesitant to throw more money into it, doubting that it would make a difference. I was never really skeptical of the Aneros to do as it promised in a general sense, but I suspected that my height and size may have been a problem.
    By December 2010, my sessions had completely stopped, but my wife had started school, which meant that I was home on my days off, with plenty of free time alone. I began researching the problem again, and decided that the handle was my problem. I had never gotten much movement at all from the Helix, and the P-tab had always pressed against me too painfully. I reasoned that the handle was restricting the Aneros' movement.
    I used a knife to trim the handle off, giving myself a nice nick on the thumb when the blade suddenly snicked through the last bit of plastic. After smoothing it down to a rounded nub, I tried my modified toy for the first time. I noticed an immediate difference. The p-tab was no longer painful, and the Aneros was able to travel in and out instead of being fixed. It's resting position was different than before.
    I began to feel something almost immediately, but things really began to take off over the course of a few more sessions. Some of my experiences were very strange. For example, one evening after I had been laying on my back with the Aneros inserted for a time, I began to feel like I was spinning, sometimes on a vertical axis, sometimes horizontal. It was not really unpleasant, but it was very distracting. I tried to just let things happen as they would and eventually the vertigo settled down.
    It was about the third or fourth session after modding my Helix that I managed to trigger involuntaries. I had never been able to make that happen before, and again I blame the handle's restriction of all movement for me. A few more sessions and I was able to get involuntaries at will, and soon they were more or less automatic. I could tell by now when the Aneros was contacting my prostate and had begun to notice how different body and leg positions could change the intensity of feeling from that contact.
    I was probably a month in when I first noticed feelings of building, where the immediate feelings of contact from the toy had lasting effects on that area of my body that gradually grew stronger over time. I tried to remind myself not to try to force orgasm, but it took some time to get over the urge.
    To Be Continued

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