• The Great Fish Oil Experiment Update

    Today is the halfway point of the Fish Oil trip. Nothing noteworthy except that the GNC triple strength pills are indeed much less fishy than the Nature Made pills. Current level of 2241 EPA, 1509 DHA.
    I still haven’t surpassed my sessions of the first week of January. I was having some nice progress there jumping up to the next plateau. I thought I’d discovered an automatic on switch with the Male Deer Massage technique – but it’s now very difficult for me to get a pleasurable feeling or involuntary without the Aneros inserted. The day after effects has also dropped off considerably – and that power cord below my belly button seems to have come unplugged.
    There are new sensations. The first is the worms crawling or tissue bubbling sensation that exists in the prostate area during peak session times. Another is the “energy bloom” where after a couple of deep pulse beats an echo blossoms out in the midsection. Lastly is the “ball crawl” where the ball skin totally does this rolling contraction from the butt side up and over to the belly side. I feel like I want to connect all three of these sensations at the same time. The other thing I’ve noticed is that I am holding my breath and bearing down on my midsection ALL THE TIME. I am constantly having to remind myself to breath. My prostate is a demanding little walnut.
    I also found a couple of links that I buried at the bottom of the 44th reply on a recent post for “Getting the Word Out”. I’m going to post them here so I can find it later – but they are interesting reflections on the internet Aneros phenomena:
    The website: http://www.freddyandeddy.com has a recent glowing review of the Helix. Freddy and Eddy’s is actually the website that got me searching google for “prostate massagers” last year and hence led me to Aneros.
    On the other hand, when searching on google for “Aneros Company” I got the following hit: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Aneros While this kind of publicity falls under the “any kind is a good kind”, it would seem to indicate that the product – and its users – are popular enough to lampoon.