• The consolations of Aless

    Hi guys,
    The Aneros, as you know, was invented to promote good prostate health in men. Along with this benefit, it was discovered among many Aneros users that the Aneros has sexual benefits as well, such as Super-O's, MMO's, and sustained sexual energy of continuous P-waves which is also known as Aneros-lessness or Aless outside of actual Aneros sessions.
    Many guys report that achieve a continuous, sustained Aless which is always there. I am one of those guys.
    It has gotten to the point that my Aless is always there, although often in the background. However the intensity of my Aless varies. It comes and goes in intensity of sexual sweetness.
    While I long for my very first Super-O, the Aneros has taught subtlety and nuance. The Aneros has enabled me to get in touch with my body like never before. The Aneros has opened to me a sensuality that I have not known in my whole life!
    @neros wrote some very informative things on rewiring in his Forum thread entitled, "The truth behind "re-wiring."

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      03/20/2015at1:51 pm

      Thanks for the advice to read @neros's posts. I had read them before, but I guess I didn't give them enough thought at the time. Since you said they were so helpful I went back and read them again.
      I have been finding lately that my Aneros and Aless have been working in reverse. What I'm trying to say is…I used to think of my Aneros session feelings to help bring on Aless waves. Lately, I have been imagining Aless during an Aneros session. It has been amazing to pretend that there is nothing inserted and that everything I am feeling is Aless. I feel like I am rambling so I will stop.
      Not sure if you know what I mean, but I know how big of a fan you are of Aless, so wanted to share.

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