• The consolations of a jock and cup on cold winter’s nights

    Hi guys,

    I haven’t had an Aneros session for nearly three weeks now. Activities and concerns distracted me from having one during the holidays. Intense winter cold imposed itself for nearly a week now which dissuaded me from sessions. A snowstorm along with intense cold this weekend will not loosen their grip for at least a few weeks at the earliest.

    @goldenboy’s wearing a jock and cup to bed most nights has been a real inspiration for me to do the same. O how sweet it is to wear a jock and cup to bed on cold winter’s nights!

    @goldenboy enjoys wearing the Shock Doctor Ultra Carbon Flex Cup along with its jock to bed many nights. He calls it his chastity cup. This athletic cup has nearly the same dimensions as the BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85 of which I have quite a few in my collection. The BIKE CUP was a real hit among athletes participating in contact sports the middle to late 1980. Both the Shock Doctor Ultra Carbon Flex Cup and BIKE CUP have nearly thick rubber gaskets which prevent chafing on the groin area of athletes. Hence both cups are comfortable to wear, not only on the playing field, but also during everyday wear, and even in bed at night.

    Both athletic cups are especially hot for Kegeling in, certainly in bed at night. It is so sweet to diddle yourself while doing some Kegels in a cup on cold winter nights in bed. Take care!


    • Avatar for Pasttime


      01/14/2019at5:29 pm

      Thanks for this. The cup thing does sound hot. I think I could be a little fetishy about a jock/cup for both the feel and because I never played sports in school.

    • Avatar for goldenboy


      01/14/2019at7:28 pm

      @Pasttime Yes, it is hot! Bur you have to find the “right” combo jock/cup. They all fit differently and you have to discover the “right” one for you! @BigGlansDC and I both have a lot of experience here; feel free to ask us anything!

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