• The aftermath of a Super O?

    It’s been around 2 days since my first Super O, and every ten minutes or so since, I get a shooting sensation of gasmic bliss up my bum. It shoots from my prostate to my tummy, leaves a slight sensation of butterflies, like I’ve just gone over a small drop in a car. it lasts nano seconds each time. Are these (A-less) P waves?


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/11/2018at6:14 am

      @Masked, yes, they are most likely Aless P waves, perhaps much more! Do you enjoy playing with nipples and doing the Kegel Exercises? Those two activities will certainly boost your Aless and enhance your ability to have Super-O’s.

    • Avatar for Masked


      08/12/2018at12:13 am

      @BigGlansDC Tried the nipple stim stuff, never really done anything for me unfortunately.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/13/2018at1:03 pm

      @Masked, @BigGlansDC is right, nipple play amplifies the pleasures substantially. They, however need to be trained to give you the sensations and for this, I suggest you include them in all your prostate playing. It won’t be long before they wake up as I think they are already pre-wired but just dormant due to years of inactivity.
      Good luck and good vibes. BTW, congratulations again on joining the super elite level. It only gets better from this point on.

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