• Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021 : The latent sweetness in a guy’s Glans Penis and his Nipples

    Hi guys,

    It has been several months since I posted in my blog on this site. I don’t have Aneros sessions as I used to. They have diminished substantially ever since I had my Aneros breakthroughs the middle of September 2016 when I achieved my first Super-O’s and MMO’s. Since then I can achieve them merely stimulating my nipples through diddling. I did have a couple Aneros sessions the middle of September a couple of months previously using the traditional MGX which has a ribbed stem.

    I am using this Thanksgiving Day to express my gratitude that the Aneros has brought into my life. I am just one of countless guys who have this same gratitude. As one who is now 72 years old, the Aneros brought prostate health into my life. It has also enabled me to maintain my urinary health and even helped me walk better.

    However many guys, myself included, realize that there is a latent sweetness in their Glans penis and their nipples. For me, there is a vital connection between my nipples and my Glans. The sexual energy emanates in my Glans, travels down my penile shaft, and end up in my prostate when I diddle my nipples. Often this sexual energy reverses course as it travels from my prostate and ends up in my Glans. Nighttime in bed are the best times when I experience in a very real way this vital connection. Guys can explore these tactile delights as they caress their Glans. The nipples themselves are reflection of the Penis and the Glans. All that is required are subtle, dainty touches. There is hardly a night that passes when I can achieve a Super-O, a MMO, or even better explore the dalliance at the Temple of PONR, or the point of no return!

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, guys, wherever you may be today! Take care!