• Test — Bating

    @GGringo and other guys reading this blog post, I am trying to open a new blog here in the Blog section of our web site.
    The title of this new blog is: “BigGlansDC’s Bating and Edging Sessions.” Somehow I cannot do this.
    @GGringo, @rumel has advised me to contact Aneros at Aneros.com about this, but he has not gotten back to me on my question.


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/16/2016at11:08 pm

      Wow, @BigGlansDC, I’m looking at it from my bolg screen and when I click on ‘Managa My Blog’ button, it takes me to the screen where I can enter a new one. On that same screen, there is a field called ‘My Blog Name’ and this is where I can change it from (currently) “GGringo’s Blog” to whatever. I don’t understand how come your screens are different. Andrew will help you. Good luck!
      I’m currently at a campground at Mont-Trenblant for a few days. I read on your earlier blog you were in Georgetown. Is this in Halton Hills ir in US somewhere?

    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/16/2016at11:11 pm

      Sorry, (curretly) ‘Gringo’sLog’ not ‘GGringo’s Log’.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/16/2016at11:28 pm

      @GGringo, Georgetown is a historic neighborhood in Northwestern Washington, DC. Also I discovered that Mont-Trenblant is in Quebec where it must have cool temperatures. Also I sent you a PM containing Andrew’s answer to our question about multiple blogs.

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