• Switched off. Switched on!

    I don’t know why, but for 10 days or so I had been totally disinterested in having an Aneros session or indulging in any sexual activity whatsoever. I really missed it and badly wanted to have some action but when the opportunities came along I felt switched off somehow. I wasn’t unduly worried and thought that when the time was right I would know. However impatience got the better of me and I decided that I was going to try a session regardless of how I felt, no expectations at all, just accept whatever came along. At this point I had reached day 12 of SR. Even as I prepared for the session I was unaroused, I usually begin leaking in anticipation. I opted for my MGX Trident and lay back waiting to see what happened. Much to my surprise within 10 minutes I was aware of some good sensations and was encouraged to begin a little nipple stimulation. Usually during a session, nipple stimulation gets my prostate fluttering and enhances the sensations. But this time I was presented with a really stiff and throbbing erection, some nice waves too. Then I had a sensation unlike anything I have felt before during a session, I really felt as if my prostate was squeezing and pumping as if trying to force out an ejaculation, my cock pulsed with each contraction of my anus and prostate and I thought I was going to have a HFWO. Sadly it did not materialise but not for the want of trying. Nevertheless I enjoyed the experience but refrained from ending with a TO, I wanted to let it build. So today, 2 days later I am thinking of trying a session tonight. Finding myself with a few moments of privacy late afternoon, I thought I might prime myself for the session with a little nipple play. Almost immediately I felt the same reaction as during the previous session, my butt was clenching, very firm erection and the same pumping feeling as before. Since then I have been incredibly horny and am leaking in anticipation. I am not sure how I have turned things around but I am somehow, switched on again.


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      07/04/2018at9:58 pm

      @Harper I went through a period where I based my Aneros sessions on time and not on arousal. It wasn’t too successful! Now, I base my sessions on my arousal level; results are much better and more consistent! I am now in Day 13 of SR and having almost nightly sessions. No blue balls yet and no ejaculation!

    • Avatar for Harper


      07/04/2018at10:43 pm

      @goldenboy Yes, usually from around day 12 I am feeling heightened levels of arousal and the need to ejaculate. This time though, I think the need is there but I have not enjoyed the usual build up to it.

    • Avatar for Harper


      07/06/2018at8:18 pm

      Update: Its day 14 now. For the past couple of days I have enjoyed being once again highly charged with frequent erections. I feel the time is right to ejaculate, but at the same time I am thinking one more session while I am in a state of pent up sexual frustration might be worth a try.

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