• Sweet sexual energy surrounding my Aneros models

    Hi guys,
    I am in sweet Aless bliss as I type this entry. I took a good five days off from Anerosing, mostly because I was in a funk from a little summer heatwave here in DC and the depressing world and national news of late.
    But this morning I awoke with horniness in my loins especially in and around my prostate telling me that it was time for an Aneros session.
    So I bathed and shaved and then dressed with my favorite jock and cup underneath my cargo shorts. I went to the neighborhood 7-Eleven for a cup of coffee and a doughnut before taking a leisurely jaunt around my immediate neighborhood. There is a small park a couple blocks from my apartment. Rush hour hadn't begun, so I sat on a park bench and Kegeled some. The jock and cup facilitated my Kegeling. My Kegels are now smooth and easily. They stoke the sexual energy, the fire not only in and around my prostate, but also my cock and balls. What sweet foreplay, what sweet Aless before the real thing of working with my Aneros tools.
    Generally now I work in order with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic in the progression of smallest to biggest. These five are my favorite Aneros models.
    But this morning something wonderful happened. I noticed sweet sexual energy surrounding each of these models while inserted. This insertion is not only comfortable, but also sweet and easy. Since early last February, I settled upon my favorite Aneros position. I lie on my right side with my right leg straight down and my left leg hooked close my chest. That position enables me to insert my models with ease. They settle easily into me, positioned perfectly upon my prostate and then go to work on me. But then I put both legs together in a sitting position while lying my right side. I can relax in both these positions and just let my models work on me while doing gentle breathing and throwing in an occasional Kegel or two. It is absolutely wonderful to feel this vibrant sexual energy surrounding my Aneros models as they work on me.
    When all this happens, I just glow with the flow. I relax, have fun and pleasure. Now I think I am on a roll with my sessions, and I am open to even more fantastic experiences with Aneros!
    Take care!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/05/2014at11:09 am

      Hey…I did finally answer in chat but you left just then. Sorry, too busy at work. That's why I don't go on there much.
      Anyway, I have posted some lately about how my Aless sessions have been progressing as well. In general everything keeps getting better, but one seems to fuel the other. I now search for the Aless feelings while in my Aneros sessions. This takes me deeper into the "calm seas" orgasms that last until I can't take it anymore.
      Even though I have been at this longer than you have, we seem to be at a very similar juncture in this journey!
      Keep enjoying!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/05/2014at11:53 am

      Thank you, G-Force! I enjoyed chatting with you and other guys in Aneros chat this morning. It made my day!
      P.S. Both my Aneros sessions and Aless have been experiences to savor slowly like an after-dinner liquor!

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