• Super O in a Hot Wet Pussy

    As I have written in a number of these entries, MMO’s are a solitary experience for me. Last night a few guys asked me how I made the transition to MMOing with my lady. It has always been really hard for me to do them with my lady participating as they require my concentration to be focused on my body and the mental exercise of guiding pleasurable sensation As much as I love performing for her, having her involved can be a huge distraction, as I tend to focus more on her as opposed to focusing on what I am feeling. She is such an incredible turn on for me it becomes very hard to keep from abandoning my orgasms and focus on her lush body and thinking of her response as opposed to my own. Even though we are both mature she has maintained her beautiful figure, her breasts are more soft and elegant than they were when she was younger and she has the most luscious vagina; the icing on the cake is that she is more sexually confident and relaxed which is a huge turn on for me.
    In the last three years that I have become particularly accomplished at inducing MMOs without inserting anything in my anus. Yet I have only had them with her participating twice. On one occasion she was a passive participant, the other she was involved with an occasional pat and sexy comment. Admittedly both times her witnessing my intense sustained orgasm was sufficient fuel for my exhibitionist tendencies; having her watch me provided the motivation for two nice sessions, but those sessions were not as intense and deep as some I have had.
    The last few entries mention one of the best ways for me to launch is to spoon her and nestle my erect cock between her ass cheeks. Somehow being behind her and having most of the control makes it a lot less distracting. But as I have experienced many times, there is always a new sexual discovery around the corner. The event described in this entry was a first for me, an MMO with her full frontal and my aroused cock pressed in between her pussy lips. I discovered that I could overcome the distraction by being extremely close to her, so close to her that all I could do was feel her soft skin against me and smell her sweet erotic scent. In essence I could get intoxicated by her sensuality, but not see her.
    A couple of years ago when my son was living with us he was at his sisters for the night so this particular night we had the house to ourselves. Our slingshot son had been a bit of a damper on our privacy. It is nice when he was gone for a few days. After a few glasses of wine, she got really relaxed we wound up upstairs in our room after dinner was done and everything was cleaned up. It was a wonderful hour and half or so of foreplay that included many of her favorite things. She was so relaxed and turned on that she let down her guard and submitted herself to me to stimulate her.
    I got her into the large recliner in the corner of our room and semi reclined her without the foot rest up. Parting her legs I went down on her with painstaking patience, bordering on teasing. After an extending amount of mouth work on her pussy she was literally dripping.
    When I did finish her she was so comfortable and aroused that she had three languid and intense orgasms successively in 45 minutes. Each successive orgasm was harder than the previous one; by the time she went over the edge on the third one she wound up stuffing a towel that was next to the chair in her mouth to stifle the desperate wail that accompanied it. Needless to say she was totally spent and saatisfied when she came down from them.
    Ordinarily she would dutifully jump up and offer to do oral on me or climb into bed and open her legs to accept me. But this time I seized the moment and began to massage her feet to keep her relaxed and in place. It worked …she was so hazy and warm from the orgasms that she relinquished her guilt and just laid there and drifted in and out of the haze as I massaged her soles and ankles.
    I left her to go wash up. As is always the case when I do oral on her I had a raging erection that was dripping a stream of precum. When I came back to the bedroom she was semi awake and waiting for me.
    Climbing into bed with her brought one of those moments of closeness and devotion that felt so warm and blissful that we came together in a kiss that took my breath away and made my heart race. The intimacy and emotion in that kiss was amazing. We kiss a lot. Some kisses are perfunctory and some are so deep and sensual that they are like white heat, searing my consciousness and making me sweat with desire … this was one of those.
    That kiss ignited a passion for her in me that literally consumed me. While the erotic part of me wanted to fuck her hard and fast, the sensual part of me wanted this moment to last forever. Unspoken I decided that this might be the time to see if I could make an SDO work with her participation.
    So wordlessly I slid between her thighs as she lay on her side facing me and settled my cock between her thighs. Then to her surprise I nested the underside of my cock in the crease between her pussy lips. The wetness and heat of her pussy mouth was palpable from the hard orgasms she had just had. Instantly the warm wet heat of her sodden pussy caressing my hard cock sent a jolt right up my cock and made my anus flutter. I clutched her as the fire ignited in me.
    I could feel my prostate hardening and tingling as the sensation of her aroused pussy mouth kissed my cockhead. I kissed her one more time as if saying goodbye and nestled my face in the crook of her neck and began kissing the soft skin on her neck, while I hid my eyes under her hair.
    Despite her arduous effort in the recliner she still smelled sweet and sexy, maybe more so as a result of the climaxes trhat just consumed her. There is something about a post orgasmic woman that is magical, maybe its her warmth or her scent or her affectionate demeanor, but it was palpable. She was so sensual and soft. Although neither of us said anything she knew what I was thinking. She put one hand around my back and held me while she put the other hand behind my head and stroked the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair.
    Soon I found myself lost in the thick warmth of her femininity. My mind was getting hazy and my prostate was beginning to throb to the point that the familiar whisper of pending pleasure was ever so subtly flicking my cockhead. Her pussy lips pressed against my cockhead, smearing it with wet kisses. Deep inside of me my prostate was erecting and beginning to pulse, making it tingle and sparkle.
    As I laid there I embraced her as she held me. I felt warm, loved and most of all I felt that I belonged to her. As she stroked the back of my head I lay still in her arms and focused on her sensual erotic heat, I was drawing it from her, my prostate was absorbing it like a dry sponge absorbs water. I could not see her but I could feel her on me and I could sense her adoration. In a matter of moments my cock went familiarly numb and I was shocked to rational thought for a moment. I thought to myself that I was on the path to launching an MMO in her arms, it was actually happening, I couldn’t believe it! I struggled to not get distracted, maintain a relaxed state and surrender to the pleasure wave that I knew would soon build.
    I savored the soft sweetness of her neck with tiny kisses as I held her back tightly. The tenderness of her caress and the loving embrace she held me with, fueled my adoration. The heat of her sexuality was flickering and teasing my desire, deep inside my anus my prostate was erect and pulsing with the promise of building pleasure.
    Then ever so subtly I felt a very very mild flicker of the beginning of an orgasmic wave heating up deep in my anus. It was alike a flame licking and teasing a marshmallow over a campfire. As the heat of her sensual flame danced over the pink softness of my quivering gland, it hardened and contracted and became thick with sweet froth, just as a marshmallow over a fire does.
    I struggled to maintain control and focus on what I was feeling. I stopped my kisses to breathe deeply, panting and gasping in the effort. I buried my eyes in her neck and lost all inhibition. My mind bounced back and forth between the enraptured sensation of her love surrounding me and the glowing cinder of pending orgasm that was burning deep in my anus.
    I focused on relaxing and letting the pleasure wave build at its own pace, not wanting to force it. So I lay in her arms as she held me to her and I moaned as she continued to stroke my head; the glowing pleasure got hotter and hotter. The delightful anguish of pending orgasmic release was filling my anus and rectum. As the heat grew, the divine pressure of the wave behind it was making itself known. I breathed and shuddered as I tried desperately to relax and give my body the freedom to deliver the exquisite pleasure I knew it could. I struggled to keep from clenching my buttocks. I knew that the pleasure would be deeper and most intense if I relaxed and surrendered myself to the voluntary contraction that would come if I gave it the room to express itself. So in my mind I focused on the desperately sweet sensation burning inside me; it was building inside of me at a faster and faster pace.
    It was becoming hard to stay still. I gasped and stiffened and embraced her; the orgasmic wave reached such intensity that I thought I might lose control and release my cream on her pussy lips. I focused my energy on my prostate and stopped kissing her neck. Then my rectum began to flutter and spasm and my prostate began to rhythmically pump in a slow and regular pattern. I was there, the pumping intensified and the bliss was pure agony. My body stiffened and she held me tightly as the MMO took control of me.
    I focused on the deliriously sweet sensation of the pumping. In my mind I embraced it and coaxed it. I gave myself over to it and extracted every bit of pleasure from each pumping spasm as it squeezed me. I envisioned the orgasm as her hand up my rectum, squeezing my prostate and making the juicy precum dribble between her fingers and out my penis. I saw the orgasm in my mind as a physical pool of pleasure and I was bathed in and it was inside of me at the same time. The pleasure was me and I was the pleasure.
    Still struggling to relax and let the contractions have their way with me, I felt the pumping speed up and the exquisite rapture of pleasure continue to build and fill me up with each pumping spasm. The spasms just kept coming and coming, they grew in intensity with each one as I stiffened in her arms. She stroked my head as if she could soothe the anguish that filled me. Instead her ministration added to the intensity of the pleasure that was agonizing me.
    The spasms were now coming rapid fire and the glowing pleasure that was wrapped around my prostate had turned it to a white hot coal up my ass, that would not be controlled any more. After several back to back spasms jammed up against each other, the spasms suddenly released me and I felt myself go into that wonderfully desperate freefall that usually signals ejaculation. But as I was falling the sensation of exquisitely sweet and rapturous joy was blowing on me and ejaculation never came. Halfway down, instead of cumming I felt the spasms start again. Soon they were ramping me up to another climax. Before the first orgasmic wave crashed and waned I was climbing another one.
    Each successive pleasure wave was more intense than the one that preceded it. The speed of the spasms and their sweet anguish made me grasp onto her back like a drowning man fighting to keep from getting sucked into a whirlpool of sexual ecstasy. I held her tightly as the deep and hard freefall of the next cluster of orgasms tried to pull me from her. Then again instead of waning I was sucked into the next pleasure wave. The spasms pulled me to the top of that pleasure wave …then as the spasms jammed together in a flutter again like a cresting wave, I felt the sweet desperation of orgasmic freefall again.
    I was losing all sense of time and place. It didn’t matter whether she was there or not, she was not a distraction. If anything she was just the opposite, the reassurance of her sensual soft body in my arms fanned the flames of my passion and the intense orgasms her passion inspired. I clung to her desperately to keep from drowning in the rapture that was washing over me. She held me tightly as the cycle repeated and repeated. I had hundreds of orgasms as my cock was flooding her pussy with precum. She kept whispering sexy comments into my ear as the creating pleasure tumbled me in her arms. Her erotic commentary was adding intensity to the delightful agony that was burning a path up my rectum and into my soul.
    It was an hour and a half later, sweaty and exhausted I gave up and turned my mind away from the sensations that were crashing into me. My prostate was throbbing and my rectum was sore from contracting in sympathy with each orgasm. Even with my diverted attention the spasms continued to build, and ebb; they refused to let go of me. In surrender, I raised my head to her lips and kissed her. It was a silent acquiescence that I was done. I felt the spasms reluctantly recede like the tide. Her pussy was a slimy mess from my precum. We were both sweating and exhausted. My cock was still rock hard but it was aching in its need to be released from erection.
    So as we lay there with no elegance or grace I grasped my cock and began to tug and squeeze. After four or five minutes of vigorous pulling and squeezing the rope of white hot cream spewed from me, splashing on my belly. It was masturbation of desperation and nothing else. There was no tenderness, no visions of sensuality, just the desperate need to empty my stressed gland and give it relief.
    I rolled onto my back. I lay there totally emptied of all my erotic energy, I was sapped. Soon I was drifting in and out of sleep. I vaguely remember her kissing my lips. An hour later I woke and looked over. She was sound asleep. I wiped my stomach off and crept in behind her. I thought to myself that this was a first.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/19/2013at2:12 pm

      OMG you almost made me cum reading this. The love and passion that was transfered was beautiful to read and like i was there with pop corn watching a great movies between lovers.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/19/2013at7:23 pm

      Thanks Biggie.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/21/2013at6:37 pm

      Woot! Just reading that gave me a pair of howling super-O's. Glad my wife wasn't here to wonder what was going on in the bedroom. 8>0

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