• Strange new things have happened.

    Ok so I have been slack and have not been bloging lately.
    I have had heaps of session but most of the time I have not reached my super O again.
    A couple of sessions I had one super o but still small.
    The first session after my last blog the eupho went at it more vigorously than ever before. It was great but all the other sessions have been soso.
    Something new has happen though lately.
    I have lost my compulsive need to have sessions. Its almost like I am tired of it. I dont want to have a session most of the time. Those of you that have followed my journey will know that I have a addiction and could not help myself. I could not go less that two days without if that. I think I went 4 days this week. Not sure why but it has started after the super Os have come.
    I also have had my butt muscles stop ghosting for long periods at a time. This has never happened before since the start of my journey.
    I have notice a new great practice for the hot weather, lately it has been in the 40s here highest 48 degs C If I have a enema with cold water it feels so good while in the hot weather. Recommend you try it if it gets hot where you live.
    I am just keeping on practising the skills to get to the super O hoping to increase the pleasure to the point of boucing all over the bed like the videos.
    Long way to go I recon…..

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