• Starting the experience

    Well, I'm going to start a blog to see where this experience takes me.
    I'm going to purchase my first Aneros product, probably today. I'm planning to buy the Helix as my starting point.
    I have previously stimulated my prostate with manual stimulation. The first time was quite enjoyable and it felt wonderful, but no big Super O or anything. (Still trying to get the lingo used on this site.) The second time, a few months later, I was able to get to a point where I thought I was going to ejaculate without touching my penis. I was able to maintain that feeling for a minute or so. I slowed it back down and was able to get to that point again during the same session. The session lasted about one hour. I was drenched in sweat. My body was completely wet. I did not ejaculate during that entire session, but I was spent. It was a great experience, but manually controlling the action was an aspect that I was not to crazy about. The feelings in my ass were amazing. After reading many of the blog entries here, I'm not sure how to classify it, so I won't. But the session felt rushed and aggressive. Figured that I need to try to find a better way.
    Now, after many months, I want to recreate that feeling without slamming something into my ass over and over again.
    I think one of these products will help me get that feeling back in a much more calm and positive way.
    I have been walking around semi erect for a couple of days just in anticipation of the purchase. Today, my anus is twitching just thinking about it all. I plan to get the helix and see where it can take me. I have a trip next week and will be in a hotel for several days. I have calm music and will get a nice glass of champagne and settle in one night next week for my first aneros experience.
    I'm on my way and I hope that I can have some of the same experiences and feelings that many of you seem to have.
    Until later.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/19/2010at3:44 pm

      Welcome aboard Texas. I'm in Fort Worth(Haslet). Get ready for some action. Problem is this is very addictive. Just so you know. I have been using this wond for 3 years and this is always an on going progress. Eventually you wont even needed as much since you can master your own body.
      Enjoy the trip

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/20/2010at11:01 pm

      Hey Joey – Thanks for the welcome. Houston here… I'm excited about the process and am very appreciative of your comments and thoughts. Will try to keep my journal here so I can appreciate the journey… as it happens and after the fact. Later… Skip

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