• Sparkles and Bubbles

    I have learned so much on this journey. And I have so much more to learn.
    My most recent, crazy-wonderful experiences have led me to a place I never imagined. As my friend, artform, has explained, my body is having cellular based orgasms generated by my cells' mitochondria. I know, sounds loony-toony. But, hey, how many of you really believed your behind could be the source of such wonderful orgasmic bliss before YOU started this trip?
    I now can call upon my mito-singers to entertain me by just mentioning their names. They are little Fizzies tablets erupting all over, sending fireworks out accompanied by The Boston Pops!
    Call me crazy, go ahead, I don't care. Sparkles and Bubbles are worth it.
    Thank you, artform.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/16/2012at8:29 pm

      Most welcome!! …anytime, aren't they my friend!! Happy to share this wealth with all.
      as we rewire
      we are all reconnected

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