• Slow but sure

    I was able to reproduce exactly the same effects as yesterday, with the added bonus that when the first O subsided, I was able to trigger a second one, during which I fell asleep.
    On waking at about 4am, I removed the Maximus, pottered around for half an hour, then went back to bed. I slept until dawn and, feeling refreshed, gave an Anerosless session a go.
    I put myself in exactly the same position as I had with the Max (flat on back, legs flat on bed slightly separated, arms straight and a little distance from my body) and relaxed. A little to my surprise, after a few minutes it happened. I got to the same level as with the Max, and stayed there for a good fifteen minutes. There was even a second O building on the first in the last five minutes or so. Eventually, it faded away and I got up… before the alarm clock went off.
    A good night's sleep and two lovely sessions either side. A great start to the day.