• Shaking in the Calm

    I was thinking after my T.O. on Friday morning that I might be out of commission for a while. SO I thought I would use the downtime to do lots of reading and research. As an added bonus, A neighbour who I had done some work for, gave me some cash so I was able to buy some more tools for my toolbox. I had been torn between a Trident Maximus and a Trident MGX. I had thought about the Trident Eupho, but my reading had shown it to be for more advanced users. With this added cash in hand, I decided to do some shopping. I found a site, Global Sex Toys, selling the Maximus, MGX and Eupho for 70 bucks minus a whopping 25% first time customer discount. This should be lots of fun; I won’t know which one to try first!
    By Friday night, I was feeling randy again, even though I’d had a T.O. in the morning. I stuck with the Helix and shortly after I started, I was enjoying the usual dancing routine. I had been reading Rumel’s post in the archives (Instructions-Older Version). I realized that to really start reaching new levels, I had to try and simmer down the shaking and improve my breathing. I grasped that reducing or eliminating the shaking would allow me a better chance to feel whatever came from the prostate and other areas. The Helix is so much more subtle that I felt that gentler shaking would be easier. So when the shaking starting, I eased the contraction slightly and let my head loll back a little. Per Rumel’s advice, I started stretching my legs back, very, very slowly, so as to not break the wave of feelings.
    With the shaking reduced to a bare discernible vibration deep in my lower core, I focused on the feelings from my prostate (a kind of humming), the gentle tapping on my perineum from the p-tab, and the movement of my sphincter muscles as they helped the Helix pop in and out. With the realization of those feelings, came the waves, heavy and warm with promise and pleasure. My head stayed back and my legs stayed straight, my feet pointing straight down. My upper body began very slowly to move downward and then sideways, in a writhing motion. Swinging forward then back, off to one side and then another. I didn’t get spots this time, but it felt like the room was streaming with bright light beyond my closed eyes. Depending on how I held the contraction, I could reduce or increase the inner vibrations. For a very long time, I did nothing but writhe very very slowly on the spot. I heard nothing and saw nothing but the bright light sensation. When I came back, I hazarded a quick glance at the clock and saw that 5 minutes had passed by.
    With a light contraction, I started back in and had the same experience, over and over for a prolonged duration each time. When I finally came back to earth after the fifth time, I took a break. My heart rate hadn’t really gone up, I never, to my knowledge, achieved an erection. But I was warm and glowing with a very light sheen of sweat on my body. I saw that an hour had gone by now, and I took a break. When I came back to bed, I was able to recreate the experience on my other side as well as on my stomach. And when I removed the Helix, I was able to get almost to that same point, but by now, I was more than good with my trip.
    And I was only awakened twice after I drifted off for a couple of really good Dry-O’s.
    The journey continues and I welcome all the steps, big or small!

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