• Session for Tuesday with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic : Wow, huge auto-fuck action and an amazing Aless afterward!

    Hi guys, I had an amazing session earlier this morning with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic.

    What prompted the session was a thread started by @techpump on the question of Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic:


    So I found my Progasm Junior which I hadn’t used in way over a year and had a session with it and Progasm Classic. When I inserted Progasm Junior, it settled in on its own around my prostate real deep and grabbed it. It began auto-fuck action that really was out of this world. Then I continued with my main man, Progasm Classic, which continued the auto-fuck. Progasm Classic really went deep in its auto-fuck action. The session lasted about 45 minutes.

    I hope to have similar session with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic early tomorrow morning Wednesday. I hope tomorrow’s session goes far further than today.

    Today’s session left me with an Aless that is beyond compare. It feels like the auto-fucking is continuing unabated.

    Since summer heat has finally arrived here in the last day or so, that means I can sleep mostly naked on top of my bed covers. Now I can engage myself in foreplay diddling my nipples. What a wonderful to prepare for a session! Take care.

    Update @12:21 a.m. in the very early morning of June 20. It is also very helpful to have some Aneros post-play after a session as a way of engaging with your Aless better. I do that by diddling my nipples which is very powerful. Aneros post-play is most effective done in bed at night! 🙂


    • Avatar for GGringo


      06/19/2018at5:11 pm

      @BigGlansDC I’m anxious to experience (often refered to) auto-fuck during a session. If I may ask, when did you experience your first auto-fuck? Was it very early in your Aneros journey or did it come later? If later, how recent?

      The movements I do get from my massagers are settled. Is this how it starts?

      Good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      06/20/2018at4:12 am

      @GGringo, I began to have episodes of Aneros auto-fuck action fairly early, like six months into my Aneros journey. That was in the months of September to December 2012 and into 2013. They happened all by themselves. The episodes I notice come and go over the years. But now since I am a fairly advance Aneros user, I am gaining the ability gradually have the auto-fuck happen.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      06/20/2018at4:18 am

      @GGringo, you may interested in the following Aneros Forum thread started by Aneros user @smaster in which he talks about his Aneros auto-fuck action in some detail. Just copy and paste the link in your Internet browser to make it to appear:


      Hope this is helpful to you.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      06/20/2018at12:54 pm

      Thank you for the link; I will read it.

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