• Second Week of Training, or "What 20mm has done for me"

    Going to try and keep this short and sweet, since I'm rather busy this week, which is why I missed my Wednesday update.
    Second week of Peridise "training" down, and I must say I'm really enjoying the stimulation and toning of these little devices. I find myself really pushing myself with Kegels, and am motivated to try holding for longer and longer periods. My contractions are no longer a consistent strength/pressure, and I find myself testing out different levels to determine how my muscles are reacting. The most pleasing aspect of this training is that I'm really getting in tune with all the sensations in the area, and can distinguish between the different stimulated areas and contractions, though sometimes it's still hard to separate them when I'm getting hit with P-waves.
    I caved with regular sessions. However, I don't feel bummed or guilty about it, because I feel like my muscles are definitely learning to work to greater ends. The only reason I wanted to abstain was to experience how different my sessions would be after training my muscles, but I can already tell there's a difference. My regular sessions during this period are more active, and during one of my sessions I was having the most intense body thrashing, with my hips bucking, legs quaking, and arms flailing. It was highly erotic, but I felt like the movement was drowning out the sensations. Despite the fact that this diminished the feelings, it was so arousing that it just wouldn't stop. My prostate hums more frequently/constantly, and my 'less sessions are much "deeper" than usual. I can feel it grow from deep in my belly, rather than my prostate or anus. Sometimes it'll even start in the most unexpected places, like my shoulders.
    Ultimately, the Peridise is teaching me to relax into the sensations, learn when to intervene, know how/when/why to contract (the "why" is a big part that I constantly overlooked), and appreciate all the subtleties that I overlook due to "searching" for pleasure. My involuntaries are much easier to bring on now, I notice all sensations on my sphincters/prostate/rectal walls, and I am just more conscious of the physical sensations of the devices. Makes for a very pleasurable session when I feel each tiny movement, and can usually enhance the session by languidly changing my focus from each of the different sensations.
    Started using the 18mm on Wednesday. Couldn't help but ride the whole day (from the moment I woke up to later on that night, when I had a regular session), and was actively Kegelling almost the whole time. Had to take a little break yesterday, as it left my muscles a little sore from overuse, but was still up for sleeping with it last night. Didn't bother taking it out this morning, and honestly, I rarely even feel it as a foreign object anymore. It's incredibly comfortable, and produces amazing sensations throughout the day. Dripping with anticipation for next week.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/21/2012at10:23 pm

      Thanks for the continuing updates spyeg. As someone who is hopefully going to begin use of these devices as well in the near future, you're providing useful information for comparison purposes. I appreciate it a lot. Hope it continues to go well for you.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/22/2012at12:14 am

      Thanks from me too spyeg. I am looking to get same and it is good to known what its all about.
      Can you in your next post explain bluntly what the actual movement of the device is.
      I imagine it vibrate in and out where as a prostate massager twitches. Is this a correct assumption?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/10/2013at5:30 pm

      Updates are coming, I promise!

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