• Second time

    I didn't have as much time the second time I used it. This was about a week after the initial use. In fact, I wasn't even home. I was in my office on a Saturday afternoon (no one else was around, of course). The main challenge was finding a comfortable place to lay. The best I could do was the hard floor. Oh well. It wasn't as bad as you may think.
    It felt good, and I was starting to get used to the feeling of this thing in my bum. I knew my session was going to be short, because I had somewhere that I had to be, so after about 20 minutes, I started rubbing my dick. It was interesting that it was really small. I usually don't have too much trouble getting a hard-on, but nothing was happening. I spread a little lube on it, and though it felt good, no hard-on. Then I started to fantasize, you know, about doing a woman I know. Then, all of the sudden, my whole insides welled up and I had a very strong orgasm with jizz everywhere. But still no hard-on. It was weird, but it felt really good. I thought I had broke something. Well, I cleaned up and that was it. It was time to go.

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