• Rewiring: Aneros sessions 10/11 & 10/12/15

    Hi guys,
    I believe that Aneros rewiring is a process that can continue for as long as a guy works with and enjoys the Aneros. I know that this has been my experience during my three years' Aneros journey. While I enjoy an occasional Super-O now and then, my Aneros sessions in recent months have led me to deeper and more profound subtlety which is more delicious and even powerful!
    Saturday I had hoped to have my usual afternoon session, but some things happened that prevented me. I was not happy because apartment staff late Saturday afternoons go off duty for the weekend. Then I went to bed Saturday night earlier than usual. But Sunday morning I awoke at 2 a.m. feeling horny in Aless and hankering for a session. So I had a session from 2:45-5:30 a.m. which was immensely enjoyable with my usual Aneros models. Then I got up and went to church at my accustomed early hour.
    What impresses me the last week or so is how Progasm Classic inserts so easily and pleasurably and thus fills me up. My prostate and anal musculature are so happy now to see Progasm Classic and that model is so happy to oblige me of my desires. Just thinking about Progasm Classic and what he does for me is enough to throw me into sweet Aless. Likewise when I deliver a slight touch to my nipples, hairy chests, abs, navel, pubes, scrotum, glans penis, hairy thighs produces Aless, also relaxed breathing.
    This morning, Columbus Day, the city was quiet. So had a session which began at 5:30 and concluded around 7 a.m. While I enjoyed my Aneros models as always, the apartment was cold. Autumn has arrived for sure and apartment management has yet to turn on the heat.
    Take care.

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