October 2008 – October 3rd – Registered for the forum.
Where I am today. Isn’t that just the question everyday? What is it that compels a man, in mid-life, to start making internet adult toy purchases? Compels a man to experiment with anal devices, become an expert on lubes, fish oil and various mid-extremity muscle groups? Comb a single forum, dedicated to men’s pleasure, for advice on orgasm, diet, binaural input, dopamine, spiritual guidance and addiction?
What compels me to risk my internet anonymity, to actually blog about experiences so intimate I am barely able to communicate this to my life partner without a liter or two of red wine in me?
Is it just the search for the super-o? Not really. The journey has already taken me to a new level of intimacy with Mrs. J4. Some of you are way over my head with your chakra’s and kundalini’s. Then again, two months ago I didn’t know I had a perineum. So, where am I on the path? It doesn’t matter. “As we rewire we are all reconnectedâ€, says one of the forum experts with his signature. There are places beyond orgasm that I want to experience. This, apparently, is the journey I seek.
Thank you to the regulars here who have made it worth my while to come out “in publicâ€. You people have a lot to share and I appreciate it enough to register so I can say it out loud.
Here’s to being seduced by pleasure to get a taste of eternity.
Hey good luck j4. Read my blog and see how long it can take. Apparently, once you cross over it's a place you can visit often. It seems to be that way for me too. ***AIN'T LIFE GRAND*** (®¿®)
Congrats on reaching a new point in your sexual exploration. It sounds as if you have a great deal of sexual energy and dealing with it in a positive manner. I appreciate your summary and willingness to share – from which we all learn.
Hi J4,

" There are places beyond orgasm that I want to experience. This, apparently, is the journey I seek."
I too find myself seeking this experience, in addition to all the pleasurable super-O's that have yet to come. (cum?)
Love is Peace
You speak for all of us 'middle America / Australia' guys. Thanks