• Progress Report

    I've posted more in the discussions than my blog, but that is going to change, so I can record my experience for my own benefit!
    Just when I thought my journey had given me so much, I was pleasantly surprised this morning, during a three hour session!
    Early in the session, I had a very pleasant combination of p-waves and full-body orgasms, followed by beautiful prostate orgasms which radiated outward over and over…simply incredible!
    I then experienced some of the most exquisite and deep p-waves, combined with an even more focused relaxed state, when I became aware that the p-waves had become so strong and frequent that my body was not only tingling from head to toe, but that I had no detectable sensory connection to my inserted Eupho Classic, nor to the bed I was resting on.
    Essentially…I was floating…
    I had no sensation of touching anything with my hands, nor of my near naked body touching the bed…incredible!
    It lasted for at least 20 minutes, before I was interrupted! Sensational!
    Not only that, but I was able to duplicate the experience about 20 minutes later….which was a pleasant surprise!
    I've come so far with my ability to relax and allow my sub-conscious to take over more and more, that I find myself getting shaken out of a very deep state of mind, where I could sense my body was on auto-pilot without any direct deliberate input from my conscious mind.
    I do not fear my mind…I trust it…and what it is trying to show me…I will see in time!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/30/2014at11:32 pm

      Fantastic, Theme!
      The "floating" sensation is a FANTASTIC experience. Congratulations, pal.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/01/2014at9:26 am

      Brine — Thanks…yeah, it is a nice addition to an already amazing journey!

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